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Sustainability Finance
Sustainability Finance
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Marubeni Private REIT Investment Corporation ("MPR"), for which we are entrusted with asset management operations, has formulated the Sustainability Finance Framework to accelerate its efforts to promote sustainability, diversify financing methods, and contribute to society through sustainability finance.
Sustainability Finance Framework
Use of funds
Green eligibility criteria
Green loans are loans that are allocated to new loans or refinancing funds using assets or construction works which satisfy the "Green eligibility criteria" below.
Green eligible assets
Assets for which any of the following certifications from third-party certification bodies has been or will be obtained or wll be developed.
・DBJ Green Building Certification : 3Stars、4Stars or 5Stars
・BELS Certification : 3Stars、4Stars or 5Stars
・Certification for CASBEE for Real Estate (Note) : B⁺、A or S rank
・LEED Certification : Silver、Gold or Platinum
(Note) Included CASBEE for Buildings (New Construction).
Renovation work etc
・Renovation work intended to improve the number of stars or the grade/rank by one or more of the Green eligible asset certifications in above
・Renovation work intended to reduce either energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions such as CO2 emissions, or water consumption etc (by 30% or more).
・Installation or acquisition of facilities related to renewable energy
Social eligibility criteria
Social loans are loans that are allocated to new loans or refinancing funds to assets which satisfy the "Social eligibility criteria" below.
・Healthcare facilities, etc. : Facilities and residences that provide high-quality nursing care and other welfare services to the elderly
・Childcare facilities, etc. : Facilities that provide high-quality childcare for children, including nursery schools etc.
・Medical facilities, etc. : Facilities where a medical facility is a tenant and local people can receive high-quality medical care and contribute to their health.
Sustainability eligibility criteria
Sustainability loans are loans that are allocated to new loans or refinancing funds using assets that meet both the Green eligibility citeria and the Social eligibility criteria defined above.
Project Evaluation and Selection Process
Projects subject to the use of funds such as sustainability loans are determined through necessary internal procedures after selecting projects for which the proceeds will be used, verifying and evaluating them to the eligibility criteria, and following the provisions of the internal regulations of the Asset Manager and the Investment Corporation.
Management of raised funds
In principle, the funds raised are fully allocated to pre-selected projects, and as long as the funds procured exist, the allocated funds are tracked and managed internally. However, if the funds procured are not appropriated for assets defined in the Sustainability eligible criteria, etc., the unallocated funds will be managed in cash or cash equivalents until the funds procured are allocated to the target project.
Evaluation by an External Organization
MPR is subject to the Sustainability Finance Framework by Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. ("JCR"). We have obtained 「SU1(F)」, the highest level of the JCR Sustainability Finance Framework Evaluation.
PDF 添付資料 : フレームワークレポート
Reporting on the status of fund allocation
The status of allocation of funds related to sustainability finance of MPR as of July 31, 2024 is as follows.
division funds Procurement time Repayment due date Target properties Appropriation Status
TL31 (Social loan) ※1 850 million yen February 26,2021 February 29,2028 MPR Iriya Serviced housing for the elderly・Nursery School Appropriated
TL39 (Green loan) ※2 2,750 million yen August 31,2022 February 29,2028 ENOTOKI Appropriated
TL50 (Green loan) 4,000 million yen August 31 2023 August 31 2030 MPR Noda Nakazato Logistics Center Appropriated
TL52-1 (Green loan) 1,000 million yen February 29,2024 February 28,2027 MPR Hakusan Logistics Center Appropriated
TL52-2 (Green loan) 1,000 million yen February 29,2024 February 28,2027 MPR Hakusan Logistics Center Appropriated
TL56 (Green loan) 3,750 million yen February 29,2024 February 28,2031 MPR Hakusan Logistics Center Appropriated
※1 This social loan has received a comprehensive rating of "Social1", the highest rating for compliance with the "Social Loan Principles" from JCR.
PDF 添付資料 : ソーシャルローンレポート
※2 This green loan has received a comprehensive rating of "Green1", the highest rating for compliance with the "Green Loan Principles" from JCR.
PDF 添付資料 : グリーンローンレポート
Impact Reporting (Green loan)
Evaluation of the number of properties and certifications of Green eligible assets
Certification for CASBEE for Real Estate
S rank 2properties
A rank 13properties
B+ rank 2properties
Total 17properties
5 Stars 6properties
4 Stars 3properties
3 Stars 5properties
Total 14properties
DBJ Green Building Certification
5 Stars 0properties
4 Stars 1properties
3 Stars 3properties
Total 4properties
(Note) The status of certification acquisition as of July 31, 2024 is aggregated.
Status of certification of each Green eligible asset for which proceeds have been allocated
Certification Name BELS
Rank ★★★★★
Month of certification May 2020
Location Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa
2)MPR Noda Nakazato Logistics Center
Certification Name BELS
Rank ★★★★★
Month of certification March 2022
Location Noda-shi, Chiba
3)MPR Hakusan Logistics Center
Certification Name BELS
Rank ★★★★★
Month of certification October 2023
Location Hakusan-shi,Chiba
Energy consumption、CO₂ emissions、Water consumption
Energy consumption CO₂ emissions Water consumption
65,044 MWh 23,245 t-CO2 315,198 ㎥
※The results of properties that meet the green eligibility criteria are tabulated.
※Results from April 2023 ~ March 2024 are aggregated.
Impact Reporting (Social loan)
・We disclose output and outcome indicators related to "MPR Iriya Serviced housing for the elderly・Nursery School", which is the target of social loans.
■ Outline of the Property
・The Property is a serviced housing for elderly. There is a nursery school attached to the building. The outline of the facility is as follows.
■ Serviced housing for the elderly
Number of rooms
(Note1) (a)
Number of residents
(note1) (b)
Occupancy rate
38 38 34 89%
■ Nursery School
Number of nursery rooms
(Note2) (c)
Number of users
(Note2) (d)
Utilization rate
5 63 56 89%
(Note1) The figures displayed in the monthly report provided by the operator are indicated.
(Note2) This description is based on interviews with operators.
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Marubeni Corporation
Marubeni Private Real Estate Investment Trust
Marubeni Private Real Estate Investment Trust
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Marubeni Private Real Estate Investment Trust
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